Cobalt carbonate is a compound that can be used as a ceramic coloring agent to produce various shades of blue in ceramics. When cobalt carbonate is added to ceramic glazes or clay bodies, it can impart a range of blue colors depending on the concentration and firing temperature.

Here’s a general guide on using cobalt carbonate as a ceramic coloring agent:

  1. Safety Precautions: Always follow safety guidelines when working with ceramic materials. Wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a respirator if necessary. Read the safety data sheet (SDS) for cobalt carbonate to understand any specific hazards or precautions.
  2. Cobalt Carbonate Preparation: Cobalt carbonate is typically available in powder form. Measure out the desired amount of cobalt carbonate based on the recipe or desired color intensity.
  3. Mixing with Glaze or Clay: Cobalt carbonate can be mixed with ceramic glaze or clay body to achieve the desired color. Weigh out the appropriate amount of cobalt carbonate and gradually add it to the glaze or clay, mixing thoroughly between each addition. It’s important to mix well to ensure even distribution of the coloring agent.
  4. Testing: Before applying the colored glaze or clay to your final ceramic piece, it’s recommended to perform tests on sample tiles or small pieces to observe the color results. Apply the glaze or incorporate the colored clay into test pieces and fire them according to the recommended firing schedule.
  5. Firing: Cobalt carbonate colors develop during the firing process. The firing temperature and atmosphere can influence the final color. Typically, cobalt carbonate produces shades of blue when fired in an oxidizing (oxygen-rich) atmosphere. Higher firing temperatures may result in deeper, more intense blues.
  6. Considerations: Keep in mind that the amount of cobalt carbonate used will affect the intensity of the color. Small amounts can create light blue hues, while larger amounts may produce darker shades. It’s essential to maintain consistency in the amount of cobalt carbonate used for a particular recipe to achieve consistent results.